Role of electronics.
everything that surrounds us has direct link to Electronics, from the very computers we use whether it be laptops, netbooks or notebooks which has millions of tiny electronic components on it like resistors, inductors, capacitors, logic gates and the likes to the calculators, appliances, gizmos, measuring devices, and gadgets to name just a few. Electronics truly molded our lives we have today, for without it, we might as well grimacing in the shackles of underdevelopment and stagnant society where progress is hardly felt as if we are in an isolated islands. Electronics is the barometer of how far humans have gone through if we use the advancement in technology as a yardstick of progress. The dawn of the new wave of the future is bound to fascinate the world once again, the microchips which houses thousands to several millions of semiconductor components that makes our computers do their functions and features is expected to undergo major transformation in the near future. The nano technology, will soon sweep the world and will soon break barriers between possible and impossible, the author of this hub will soon make a hub about this spectacular technology that deals with microscopic objects.
everything that surrounds us has direct link to Electronics, from the very computers we use whether it be laptops, netbooks or notebooks which has millions of tiny electronic components on it like resistors, inductors, capacitors, logic gates and the likes to the calculators, appliances, gizmos, measuring devices, and gadgets to name just a few. Electronics truly molded our lives we have today, for without it, we might as well grimacing in the shackles of underdevelopment and stagnant society where progress is hardly felt as if we are in an isolated islands. Electronics is the barometer of how far humans have gone through if we use the advancement in technology as a yardstick of progress. The dawn of the new wave of the future is bound to fascinate the world once again, the microchips which houses thousands to several millions of semiconductor components that makes our computers do their functions and features is expected to undergo major transformation in the near future. The nano technology, will soon sweep the world and will soon break barriers between possible and impossible, the author of this hub will soon make a hub about this spectacular technology that deals with microscopic objects.